The information listed here is not meant to be a comprehensive database of cloth diapering know-how.

Why Cloth?


Did you know that every disposable diaper ever made (they started being made in 1961) still exists in landfills across the world? It takes between 200-500 years to decompose a single disposable diaper- and 18 billion of them are thrown away each year! In contrast, cloth diapers are made from a renewable resource, are biodegradable, are used multiple times, and have many uses once they are retired from service.

Baby health and development

Before disposables were introduced on the market, nearly all babies were cloth diapered and the rates of diaper rash were about 7% nationally (1955). By 1991, 90% of babies were diapered with disposables and the incidence of diaper rash shot up to 78% (Journal of Pediatrics, 1959, Vol 54 pp. 793-800 "Relationship of Peri-Anal Dermititis to Fecel pH" by Drs. Tamio, Steiner, Benjamin).

Did you know that cloth diapered babies begin using the toilet faster and more easily!? Transitioning to the potty is not only a monumental event in parents’ lives, but marks a significant developmental success for baby!

There are more than 6o known chemicals in disposable diapers, all of which are in constant contact with your baby’s skin when they are being worn. Disposables also keep the temperature of baby’s skin about 2 degrees warmer- not so great for our baby boys (learn more: Partsch, Aukamp, and Sippell. "Scrotal temperature is increased in disposable plastic lined nappies." Division of Pediatric Endocrinology, Department of Pediatrics, Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel. May 2000.).


The total cost savings by using cloth diapers depends on many factors: brand, size, water/electricity costs, etc. Disposables cost, on average, $2700 per year per child. Using our service instead, you would save over $1,200 per year per child, while maintaining the convenience and reducing your footprint!

Diaper Options

There are many types of diaper. The diaper most commonly used by diaper services are “pre-folds”. Think of the traditional single square piece of cotton, pins, and diaper covers. We do not carry pre-folds, but pocket diapers instead. When we became parents, we didn’t want to make anything more complicated- learning how to be mom and dad was tough enough! So, even though the diapers we carry also carry a higher cost for us, we believe they make a huge difference in the convenience and cleanliness factor of using cloth.

Pocket diapers are one of the most convenient and user friendly type of cloth diaper. The main components are a waterproof outer layer with a soft microfiber inner layer. There is a pocket sewn into the inner layer that houses an insert to soak up liquid.